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Viper BoreSnake - .22/5.56

Was: $16.80
SALE: $9.69
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Why we like these:

This is the only bore cleaning tool you need.  Put the bore cleaner of your choice on the bronze brush section, (and then we like to add a dab of CLP on the tail for good measure), then run it through your bore from the feed ramp to the muzzle and pull it through.  One time should do the trick but our OCD always tells to do it 3x.   

Note: In out experience the .22 caliber boresnake can be super tight and difficult to pull through the first few times.  But don't worry, that's normal!  I'll get easier as you use it.


Official Description From Hoppe's:

The Hoppe's Boresnake Viper takes the technology of the original Boresnake and increases the cleaning power by adding an additional set of brushes. This one-pass bore cleaning solution uses integrated bronze brushes to scrub out carbon fouling, while the tail clears the barrel of loose debris with a surface area 160x larger than a standard patch. It also has an integrated cone-shaped bore guide on the leading end and the brass weight has the caliber stamped on it. Just add Hoppe's No. 9 Cleaner and Oil or Boresnake CLP to the head and tail of the Boresnake and run it through your rifle bore for a quick clean.

  • Brass weight on pull cored has caliber stamped on it
  • Has 160x larger surface area than a standard patch
  • Integrated cone-shaped bore guide
  • 50% more brush cleaning power
  • Patented one-piece design