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Esstac Skittles Bag (Dump Pouch) - Regular & Mini

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Why we like these:

A dump pouch is one of the things you'll use most training in your kit on the range.  Having a pouch to toss stuff into is invaluable.  Throw in mags, water bottles, pocket sand, or 10,000 skittles.  The sky's the limit.

While these take up more room on the belt than the BFG micro dumps, they are also a much heavier material for rougher use.  We decided to stock these in two different sizes to help you customize your belt to your needs.  


Official description from Esstac:

Simple Dump Pouch

Everyone knows you just stuff gloves and a bottle of water in a dump pouch so no reason to go crazy with all sorts of whiz bang options on one!  And Skittles!

Made from Laser cut Brookwood Squardron Laminate and Glorious one-wrap Velcro.

Attachment is via one-wrap velcro to secure to belts.  MOLLE/PALS attachment need not apply.

Rolls up and secures with a one-wrap Velcro strap but rolling dump pouches is dumb so just ignore this feature!