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2011 Pistol KYWI Insert

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What we like about these:

These are perfect for those wanting to run short pistol KYWIs on their belt, but use 2011 or other double stack metal magazines.  Personally, we shoot Glonk.  We have simple brains.  Here's an option for the rest of you.

These will replace the "Glock style" inserts that come in the KYWIs we carry.


Official description from Esstac:

These are the specific 2011 kywi insert.  In the picture, regular pistol on the left and 2011 on the right. Designed for 2011 magazines, these also work well with full size and compact double stack metal magazines such as those used with P320's, M&P's, VP9's, etc. 



Will these Pistol KYWI inserts work in other manufacturers equipment? The honest truth we have no idea. We have been told by customers that our Pistol KYWI inserts work in other manufacturers equipment but we can't tell you which ones they do and don't work in. We do not buy other gear company's equipment and test our inserts in them so we can't tell you what they are going to work or not work in. If you decide to buy our Pistol KYWI insert to use in a different manufacturers equipment that is your choice.